Christie Brinkley News

January 19, 2009

Christie Brinkley’s ‘Got Milk’ ad

Filed under: Philanthropy,Products — by christiebrinkley @ 7:00 pm

Christie Brinkley Got MilkSupermodel Christie Brinkley is proudly wearing the famous milk mustache in an effort to help “reintroduce” Americans to milk as “Nature’s Wellness Drink.”

Brinkley’s ad testimonial states: “It’s time to recognize what’s really important. Feeling good inside and out. That’s where three glasses of low fat or fat free milk a day come in. It’s naturally nutrient rich like no other beverage. Nature’s wellness drink. Discover it for yourself.”

Brinkley was one of the first famous faces to sport the ‘stache back in 1995, and this campaign marks the third time she has lent her upper lip in support of the the nutrient rich beverage. Over 250 celebs have graced the glossy pages of magazines wearing milk’s signature facial accessory.

January 18, 2009

Christie Brinkley Is ‘Energized’ About 2009

Filed under: Interviews — by christiebrinkley @ 4:31 pm

Interview with Jennifer Garcia with People Magazine.

Photo by: REUTERS / Ramin Rahimian / Landov

Photo by: REUTERS / Ramin Rahimian / Landov

After her struggles of 2008…Christie Brinkley is only looking to the future.

“I want to seize the day and take advantage of this year,” Brinkley told PEOPLE at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, where she unveiled her new “Got Milk?” ad to raise awareness and reintroduce Americans to milk as nature’s wellness drink on Friday.

“I am so energized,” she said. “I am really looking forward to the inauguration. I see this as a huge time for opportunity. This is the time for change. I am so appreciative of everything I have.”


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